It was the worst of times. …and if you are anyone like me this year has been either / or of the above and little in between! I have been quiet again. Life got busy. I wanted to break the silence with recordings but I just haven’t gotten there yet. My new studio is square. Square doesn’t sound good in a microphone. Nor does untreated plaster and laethe.

Wait, wait, new studio?! Back up you say!

Yes, I now have a room dedicated to music and craft-related activities in my new house. And you have not heard from me because that house is a fixer-upper. It will be amazing! It is amazing! But it will be even MORE amazing… someday. As such the last few months in particular have been dedicated solely to prepping the place for winter and ensuring habitability (you know, hot water heater, new wiring for lights, a pump for the ancient-but-amazing-workhorse-of-a-boiler-that-will-live-for-ever! [knock on wood] …those kinds of things).

This whole house-buying process has eaten up most of this year, but for me has been an integral part of the creative process. Some people may see owning a home as a huge stressor, and well, yes okay fine it’s been a fun few months. @.@ But I find it to be a huge piece of security. I have a place to live, work, and practice the things I want. I don’t need to worry about that anymore. And other than an inability to decide what color to paint the dining room, this frees up brain power for other, more creative things to happen.

Previously I reported being up to speed in harmonizing and notating new songs. Well, I have now fallen behind there, but that means more materials and more future things for you to hear. I’ve also started jamming a few of these tunes with other musicians so it is quite possible that by the time you get to hear them they will be fully fleshed out and deeper, more intricate creatures than just the acoustic version I could provide up front. – though I may be willing to share those too. We’ll see. At this point recording IS the next step….