…for that. Or a girl, or person depending. I’m not sure exactly when it happened but I am convinced this is the essence of next level adulting: oh, I need tax forms? Let me reach out to my tax guy. Realty question? Sure. Pet sitting? Not a problem. New adult level achieved.

And you know, it’s so much easier (and usually cost effective-well, so far) than trying to do everything myself. And I do still pride myself on being able to wear multiple hats, and DIY…

But this recording thing:
I wrote the music
Notated it
Learned (ahem am learning) to perform it
Created basic mixes
Designed branding (that you’ll see eventually. Promise!)
Built and maintain a website

Do I also need to:
Be my own audio engineer
Assemble and maintain recording space
Multitask recording and playing
Do all mixing and post production
Master the tracks

Then there’s also:
Merch (you know, to put that branding on)
Possibly booking actual shows?

Do I reeeeaaaally need to do all that myself? Could I? Well sure, but well? Really well? I’m thinking not so much. I think I’m in the market for another “guy” …or two. Got any reccomendations?

I’ve also mentioned once or twice this supposed cover band I’m playing in. …and its lack of guitar player. Well, I don’t want to go and jinx us, but this current one has shown up every week for a month. !!! He doesn’t like the name we had picked though so, @.@ the drama continues. At least we’re back to new music again and looking into booking shows.

I also started doing something different this year, at least for my self. Volunteering one’s time and giving back to the community is a difficult concept when you’re working 60 hours a week just to scrape by, and philosophically I have always struggled with it, but more and more I am finding that it is actually a really great thing which directly helps the community and actually carries some pretty strong returns as well. Last month I went out with a few coworkers and 4 bus loads of other Chicagoans and helped to repaint one of the city’s elementary schools. For those not familiar with the current CPS crisis lets just say paint is no where near all this school needs, but after only one day we were able to have a huge impact on improving the facility that would otherwise have been impossible. It’s awesome seeing such a group of people – being a part of the group – that is willing to invest and contribute in their own community. It is definately something I plan to continue.